တားေရာ့နဲ႔ပတ္သတ္ၿပီး ေလ့လာခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္ ဒီ BLOG မွာေရးထားတာအားလံုးကို ဒီေနရာမွာ ေလ့လာနည္းေလးေတြ ရွင္းလင္းေပးထားပါတယ္။ ပံုေလးကို ႏွိပ္ၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ။
    ကြၽန္ေတာ္ခ်စ္ရပါေသာ စာဖတ္သူ လူႀကီးမင္းမ်ား ခင္ဗ်ာ
  • ကြ်န္ေတာ့္ Gmail ကို + Add လုပ္ၾကပါက ေက်းဇူးျပဳျပီး Burglish ( ဇာတ္ပ်က္ - ျမန္မာစာေရးနည္း ) ကို သံုးၿပီး ေျပာၾကားျခင္းကို ေရွာင္ၾကဥ္ ေပးၾကပါ။
  • Burglish ကို တိုက္ခိုက္တာေတာ့ မဟုတ္ပါ ကၽြန္ေတာ္ ကိုယ္တိုင္ကိုယ္က မဖတ္တတ္ (၀ါ) နားမလည္ လို႔ ေမတၱာရပ္ခံတာပါ။
  • ေရးသားရတာ လြယ္ကူေအာင္ သက္ဆိုင္ရာ ပညာရွင္မ်ားကလဲ လုပ္ေပးထားၾကပါတယ္။
  • ဒီလင့္ေလးေတြမွာ *burglish-testarea *mysteryzillion-webtext ၀င္ၾကည့္ၾကပါ။
  • ဒီ Blog ဟာ TAROT ကိုသာ ဦးတည္ၿပီး ေရးသားတာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
  • အျခား မိမိသိလိုေသာ ေဗဒင္ဘာသာရပ္မ်ားရွိပါက မိမိကိုယ္တိုင္ရွာေဖြေလ့လာ သင္ၾကားၾကပါ။
  • ဒီ BLOG မွာ ေရးသားထားတာ (၀ါ) TAROT နဲ႔ ပတ္သက္တဲ့ အျခားေနရာကဟာေတြကိုသာ ကၽြန္ေတာ့္အေန နဲ႔ FAQ အျဖစ္ လာက္ခံေျဖၾကားေပးမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
  • အထက္ပါ (၂) ခ်က္ႏွင့္ မညီေသာ မိတ္ဆြမ်ား + Add ၾကပါက BLOCK လုပ္ရလိမ့္မည္ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ေလးစားစြာ အသိေပး အေၾကာင္းၾကားအပ္ပါတယ္ခင္ဗ်ာ။

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

museum old list

...needs to be updated ...

"...somebody should clean up here. Huck, could you ..."

".. hi team, the chief has said this page needs to be updated .. I guess anybody knows, what's necessary ... no, Gina, not there, no, please, no new inventions now ... here it goes on ... oh, Jacqueline, not, NOT, NOT ... this button, this formats the floppy ... Oh, NOOO ... Jacqueline, what did you ... William, where's William? He disguises as computer now? ... okay, okay ... ...William, you're here to protect the project, you're the security manager ... what are you paid for? What? We've a copy? ... Oh, William, you're really good ... :-) ... :-( ... William this is a copy from the 12th of November 1381 .. William, that's not really an uptodate copy ... What? This is spared for historical accuracy? I don't understand ...

.. Oh yeah, I forgot completely .... there were not only fools then around ... so long ago ... but funny guys and girls then, oh yeah, these Jungfruwe ... "


Older Decks - still not sorted

* 1441 (?): Cary Yale
* - 1447: Brera-Brambilla Tarocchi:
* ca. 1450 (?): Single Card from Ferrara /Milan
* Various other Visconti Sforza handpainted cards
* ca. 1470: Mantegna-Tarocchi
* 1491 (?): Sola Busca Tarocchi
* ca. 1494: Dürer (Mantegna)
* 6 Boiardo cards, probably from after 1494
* (?): 16 Este cards
* (?): Charles VI. and Castle Ursino cards
* "Orlando-deck"
* Hebreo Card, single
* 1557 Catelin Geofroy
* 1616, Labyrinth-Game / Page of Adam McLean
* 1659 - 1664 Jean Noblet
* Florence Minchiate - Italy, unknown (ca. 1700)
* early 18th Minchiate-Fiorentine
* early 18th Minchiate-Etruria
* 1701-1715 Jean Dodal
* 1743-1751 Nicolas Bodet
* 1760 Nas Conver Tarot

List of Tarots in the Museum

* Pierpont Morgan, Visconti Sforza - Switzerland, AGM (1975, reprint of ca. 1450)
* I Tarocchi dei Visconti Sforza - Italy, Dal Negro (reprint of original from after 1450)
* I Tarocchi dei Visconti - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (remake of 1995)
* Tarot of Mantegna - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (modern, based on Mantegna-Tarocchi ca. 1470)
* I Tarocchini - Italy, Dal Negro (reprint of 1665 Mitelli-deck)
* Florence Minchiate - Italy, unknown (ca. 1700)
* VSS, Germany (2001, reprint of 1930/1748)
* A. Göbl, Bavarian Animal Tarot - Germany (1750)
* Grimaud, Tarot of Marseilles - France (1963, reprint of 1761 of Nicolas Convert)
* Tarot Flamand - Swiss, AGM (reprint from 1780, Vandenboerre deck)
* ca. 1780, Guilleaume Mann, Colmar (Germany), Bavarian Animal Tarot
* ca. 1785, Martin Boehme (?), Dresden Germany, Military Tarot
* 1790, J. M. Backofen, Bavarian Animal Tarot
* G.Drago, Tarot of Marseilles - Italy (ca. 1790)
* 1795, J. de Porre (Belgium), Animal Tarot
* 1800 J.D. Backofen, Tarock ?
* ca. 1800, unknown, (Luebeck, Germany), Baltic Tarot (
* 18th P.F. Ulrich, Tarock
* Fournier, Tarot of Marseilles - Spain (1984, reprint of 18th century)
* J.G.Backofen, Animal Tarock, Germany (1800)
* Gorizia, Tarot of Marseilles (18th c.)
* Berti, Tarot of Marseilles (18th c.)
* J.C.DuPort, Tarock - Poland (18th c.)
* C.F.Pfeiffer, Tarock - Germany (18th/19th c. ?)
* Napoleon Tarock - France, unknown (1808)
* Industrie-Comptoir, Animal Tarot - Germany (1810)
* Turkey - Germany. unknown (1810)
* Gumppenberg, Historical Tarock, Italy (1812)
* ca. 1815, Jacob Wokaun (Czechia), Upper Austrian animal Tarot
* F.Eurich, Tarock - Austria (1816)
* Estel, Chinese Tarock - Austria (1820)
* Joseph Estel, Tarot - Austria (1823)
* Tarot of Marseilles - Italy, unknown (ca. 1830)
* 1831/1974, reproduction AGMüller (Suisse), Tarot
* Barricades - France, unknown (1832)
* 1835, Giuseppe Bendelli (Trient), South Tyrol Animal Tarot
* Bechstein - Tarock, Germany (1835)
* Classical Tarot - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2000, engravings from 1835)
* Uffenheimer - Animal Tarock (1837)
* Gassmann, Tarot of Marseilles - Switzerland (1840 - 1860)
* Piatnik, Industrie und Gluck Tarock - Austria (since 1843)
* Emil Hirschfeld, Tarot - Austria (1844)
* Egyptian Tarot, France - unknown(1845)
* Glanz, Constitution Tarock - Austria (1848)
* Sewera, Animal Tarock - Czechia (1849)
* Glanz, Franz Josef, Military Tarock - Austria (1854)
* Kobitsch, Tarock - Germany (1855)
* Piatnik, Hunter Tarock, Austria (1856)
* Dondorf, Microscopic Tarock - Germany (1858-1933)
* Dondorf, Cego Tarot -Germany (since 1858)
* Glanz, Franz Josef, Military Tarock - Austria (1858)
* C.Titze&Schinkay, Tarot (since 1859)
* Glanz, Franz Josef Military Tarock - Austria (1865 or 63)
* Joseph Glanz, Tarot - Austria (1865)
* F.Pittner, Tarock - Austria (1865)
* Piatnik, Fools Tarock, Austria (1865 or 55)
* Pittner, Graz Tarock - Austria (1870)
* Tarot de Marseille, reprint AGMüller, Switzerland (1870)
* Esoteric Ancient Tarot - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (1997, based on Etteilla deck from 1870)
* Delarue, Le Grand Jeu de l'Oracle des Dames - France (1870)
* 1884, A. Viassione (Torino, Italy) Tarocco Piemontese
* 1885, Edoardo Dotti, Milan, Dellaroocca Tarot
* Glanz, Franz Josef, Military Tarock - Austria (1885)
* Papus Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1989, original from 1889, small arcana from 1981)
* C.L.Wuest, Tarot - Germany (since 1890)
* LeQuart, Classical Deities Tarock - France (1890)
* Ceska Grafika, Tarock - Czechia (ca. 1890)
* C.T.Sutor, Animal Tarock (19th c. ?)
* Tarock - Austria, unknown (19th c. ?)
* Dondorf, Tarot - Germany (19th c.)
* Piatnik, Tarot - Austria (1974, reprint of 19th)
* Daveluy, Animal Tarot - Belgium (19th/20th c. ?)
* Catel, Jeu de Tarot - France (19th/20th ?)
* H.F.Mueller, Tarot - Austria (19th/20th c.)
* Cartomanzia Italiana, Solleone, Italy (19th/1983)
* Grimaud, Tarot 78 cartes, standard deck - France (groups of persons)(19th/20th ?)
* Piatnik, Three Emperors Tarock - Austria (1900)
* Vannak, Szerencse Fel Tarock - Hungary (1901)
* Grimaud, Tarot Francais des Fleurs - France (1902)
* Joseph Glanz, Tarock No.1 - Austria (1906)
* Novosibisk, Tarot of A.Waite - Russsia (1909/2001)
* Universal Waite Tarot, AGMüller, Switzerland
* The Golden Rider Tarot, AGMüller, Switzerland
* Modiano, Alan-Tarock - Italy (since 1910)
* Alan Tarot - Italy, Modiano (since 1981, reprint of 1910)
* Grimaud, Grand Etteilla - France (1910)
* S.Salomon&Co, Holmblads Spillekort Forretning - Denmark (ca. 1910)
* 1910 - 1912, Guglielmo Murari, deck "I Tarocchi"
* Erste Slowenische Spielkartenfabrik, Tarock (1912)
* Piatnik, Soldaten Tarock - Austria (1918)
* CPP, Tarock with Animals - Russia (1920)
* ASS, Proverbs Tarock - Germany (1920)
* 1920, probably older woodblocks from J.Jerger, "Renault", Tarot de Besancon
* 1922, Fratelli Armanino (Rome), Tarocchi
* August Denk, Tarock - Austria (1925)
* Crowley Tarot, AGMüller, Switzerland (1938-1944 / 1978)
* Bielefelder Cego - Germany (1954)
* Venezian Tarock - Italy, Modiano (1964)
* Aquarian Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1970)
* Adler Cego Tarot - Germany, ASS (1976)
* Fournier, Nuevo Juego del Tarot - Spain (1977)
* Morgan-Greer Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1999 ?, first published 1979)
* Hermetic Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1980)
* Hanson-Roberts Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1984)
* Tarot Cat People - USA, USGS (since 1985)
* Mythic Tarot, 1986 (1997 Chinese edition)
* Barbara Walker Tarot, 1986
* Tarot des Regions de France - France, Grimaud (1986)
* Deva Tarot - Austria, Piatnik (1986)
* Eclectic Tarot - Austria, Piatnik (1986)
* Arcus Arcanum Tarot - Switzerland, AGMüller (1986)
* Mithological Tarot, KSP+, Russia (1986/1999)
* Herbal Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1988)
* Ansata Tarot - Switzerland, AGMuller (ca. 1988 ?)
* Tarot of the Ages - Swiss, AGM (1988)
* Medicine - Swiss, AGM (1988&1999)
* 1988/1998 "Llewellyn Publications" (USA), deck "Gypsy Fortune Telling Tarot"
* Art Nouveaux Tarot, Carta Mundi, Belgium (1989)
* Enchanted Tarot - USA, St.M.Press (1990)
* Haindl Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1990)
* 1991, Kolin (Czechia), Taroky
* Tarot of the Origins, Lo Scarabeo, Italy (1991/2000)
* Tarot of the Imagination, Lo Scarabeo, Italy (1991, 2000)
* Tarot of the Gold Dawn, Fair-Press, Russia (1991, 2001)
* Tarot, Unisam, Russia (1992)
* Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg - Swiss, AGM (1992)
* Fournier, Le Tarot de Marseille - France (1992)
* Fournier, Spanish Tarot - Spain(1992)
* Egorov Tarot - Austria, Piatnik (1992)
* Tarot of lovers, KSP+, Russia (1992/2000)
* Tarot-93 - Russia, Mozaisk (1993)
* Medieval Scapini Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1994)
* Tarot of Ceremonial Magick - USA, USGS (since 1994)
* Piatnik, Tarot, Austria (1995)
* De tarot in de Herstelde Orde - Holland, Servire (1995)
* I Tarocchi Dell'Alba Dorata (Tarots of the Golden Dawn) - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (1995)
* Tarot of the Gnomes - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (1995)
* Illuminating Ancient Tarots - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (1995, based on Sola Busca from 1491)
* Hudes Tarot, 1995, USA
* 1995, "Carta Mundi" (Belgium) for "USGS" (USA), deck "Unicorn Tarot", Artist Liz Hilton
* 1996, "AGMuller" (Switzerland), for "USGS" (USA), deck No.12.468 "Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals"
* Rock Art Tarot, 1996
* Old English Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1996)
* Kalevala Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1996)
* Kazanlar Tarot, AGMüller, Switzerland (1996)
* Cosmic Tarot, AGMüller, Switzerland (1997)
* RenaissanceTarot - Swiss, AGM (1997)
* Diamond Tarot - Switzerland, AGMuller (1997)
* "USGS" (USA), printed in China, deck "The Zerner&Farber Tarot", 1997
* "Lo Scarabeo" (Italy), deck "The Fairy Tarots", 1998, publisher "Fair-press" (Russia), designed by Antonio Lupatelli
* Tarot: Oracle of the Tsar Solomon - Lithuania, Calendar (1998)
* Tarot of the Sephiroth Swiss, AGM (1998)
* The Renaissance Tarot - USA, Fireside (1998)
* Art Nouveau Tarot - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (1998)
* The Goddess Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1998)
* Tavaglione Tarot (Stairs of Gold Tarot) - Russia (1998 ?)
* The Secret Tarots, Lo Scarabeo, Italy (1998)
* Shapeshifter / Tarot of Transformations, Nirwana, Russia (1998/2001)
* Baphomet, Tarot of the Underworld, Urania, Switzerland (1999)
* Fantastical Tarot - Swiss, AGM (1999)
* The Celtic Dragon Tarot - USA, Llewellyn (1999)
* Nefertari's Tarots - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (1999)
* Transcendential Tarot "Key of Hermes", Russia, A.Zaraev (1999)
* Tarot of Spiritual Evolution "Key of Hermes" Russia, A.Zaraev (1999)
* One World Tarot, 1999
* Jeu de Tarot, France, Heron (20th c. ?)
* Votre Tarot, France 2000
* Celtic Tarot - Belgium, Carta Mundi (2000)
* Union Chernobil, Cards of Tarot, Russia (2000)
* Magic Tarot - Russia, KSP+ (2000)
* Vedic Tarot - Russia, KSP+ (2000)
* The Cosmic Tribe Tarot - Russia, KSP+
* Papus Tarot - Ukraine, Siromjatnikoff (2000)
* Duerer Tarot - TarotClub(2000)
* Tarot of Casanova - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2000)
* The Crystal Tarot - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2000)
* The Vampire Tarot - USA, USGS (since 2000)
* Animal Tarot - USA, Paula Gibby (ca. 2000)
* The Blue Rose Tarot - USA, Paula Gibby (ca. 2000)
* Union Chernobil, Cards of Tarot - Russia (2001)
* Magic - Russia, Kogelet (2001)
* Mirror of fate - Russia, unknown (2001)
* Gregori Tarot, Russia, unknown (2001)
* Novosibirsk, Tarot of Marseilles, Russia (2001, reprint of 1930/1748)
* Tarot of the Sphinx, 2001, Lo Scarabeo
* VSS, Tarock, Germany (2001)
* Secret Tarot - Belgium, Carta Mundi (2001)
* Tarot of Third Millenium (Röhrig Tarot) - Russia, Tarot Academy (2001)
* 2000, "Carta Mundi" (Belgium), for "USGS" (USA), deck "Whimsical Tarot", Artist Mary Hanson-Roberts
* The Wisdom of Elves and Fairies - Swiss, AGM (2002)
* Decameron Tarot - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2002)
* Etruscan Tarot - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2002)
* Tarot of Nostradamus's dreams - Russia, Starcklight (2002)
* Gold Tarot of doctor Paracelsus - Russia, KSP+ (2002)
* Tarot of ancient wisdom (Old Path) - Russia (2002)
* Universal Tarot (Connolly Tarot)- Russia, unknown (2002)
* Tarot of Fortune - Russia, CPP (2002)
* Round tarot of Woman Authority (Mother Peace 2) - Russia, North Scoop (2002)
* Tarot Major Arcana - Russia (2002)
* Olympus Tarot, Lo Scarabeo, Italy (2002)
* The Golden Tarot of the Tsar, Lo Scarabeo, Italy (2002)
* Tarot of the Journey to the Orient (Marco Polo), 2002, Lo Scarabeo
* since 2002, "Carta Mundi" (Belgium), publisher "Lo Scarabeo" (Italy), deck "Universal Tarot"
* Celtic Tarot, Russia 2003
* Rocambol Tarot, Russia 2003
* New Century Tarot, 2003, USA
* Leonardo da Vinci Tarot, 2003 (Lo Scarabeo)
* Cabbalistic Tarot G.O.M. - Switzerland, Aenigma (2003)
* Manara Tarot - Russia, Avvalon (2003)
* Osho Zen Tarot - Russia, unknown (2003)
* Casanova Tarot - Ukraine, unknown (2003)
* Italy Tarot - Ukraine, unknown (2003)
* Russian Love Tarot - Ukraine, unknown (2003)
* India Tarot - Ukraine, unknown (2003)
* Tarot of Prague - Czech, A.Ukolov (ca. 2003)
* Love Tarot 2 - Ukraine, unknown, (2003)
* Tarot of the New Vision - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2003)
* Tarot of Mermaids - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (2003)
* The Matrix reloaded - Ukraine, unknown, (2003)
* Magic Tarot, unknown (2003)
* 2003, unknown (Ukraine), Tarot
* 2004, unknown (Russia), Tarot
* 2004, "Lo Scarabeo" (Italy), deck "Dragons Tarot", designed by Manfredi Toraldo & Severino Baraldi
* 2004, "Lo Scarabeo" (Italy), deck "Tarot of Druids", designed by Bepi Vigna, Severino Baraldi, Antonio Lupatelli
* 2004, "Lo Scarabeo" (Italy), deck "Fey Tarot", Artist Mara Aghem
* 2005 "Avvallon " (Russia) deck "Tarot of the 78 doors", reprint of "Lo Scarabeo" (Italy) edition designed by Pietro Alligo & Antonella Platano
* Tarot Love, 2005, Russia
* Dal Negro (Italy), Tarocchi Piemontese
* The Tarot of Durer - Italy, Lo Scarabeo (modern)
* Russian Tarot - Russia, unknown (Victor Bakhtin ?)(modern)
* Tarot of Magic Raven - Russia, unknown (modern)
* Palladini Tarot - unknown (modern)
* Mysterious Tarot of Egypt - Russia, Novosibirsk (modern)
* Holy Tarot of Tot, Russia, Sofia (modern)
* CPP, Tarot - Russia (modern)
* Tarot of Aquarius's era - Russia, CPP (modern)
* Egipcios Kier Tarot - Swiss, AGM (modern)
* Ibis Tarot (Egypt Tarot) - Russia, by Josef Machynka (modern)
* The New Orleans VooDoo Tarot - USA, Destiny Books (modern)
* I Tarocchi - Italy, unknown (production time unknown)
* Animal Tarot, Geuens Seaux, Belgium (production time unknown)
* Tarocco, Modiano, Italy (production time unknown)
* French Tarock, ASS (production time unknown)
* Tarot Comedians Francaise, Heron, Dusserre, France (production time unknown)
* Tarocco Piedmontese, Italy (production time unknown)
* Tarot Floral (modern), Lo Scarabeo Follwing needs to be updated

"Some decks were added to the Tarot Museum, between them some treasures from 18th/19th century. Especially remarkable: A Besancon Tarot from ca. 1760 from the Goebl family."
Old decks
* Besancon Tarot, ca 1760, Goebl (Bavaria)
* Sachsentarock, ca. 1778, Breitkopf - Leipziger Kartenfabrik
* Mythology Tarock, 1820, Hungary
* Mythology Tarock, 1825, Frankfurt
* Tarot of the Master (2002), remake of a deck of 1893, Lo Scarabeo
Older playing cards
* 1544 Vigil Solis
* 1552, Pierre Ameau (Switzerland)
* ca. 1690, Jean Pouns (France) deck "Spanish National pattern"
* 1692, Thomas Almaury (Lion, France), deck "Coat of Arms", engraved in black by Pere F.C.Menestrier
* 1740 Passot (Lyon, France)
* ca. 1745, Ionet (Montpellier, France)
* 1783, unknown, deck Geography (Paris, France)
* ca. 1790 Claude Rochais Animal Tarock
* ca. 1790 "Jhamphoux et Arnoux" (Marseille, France)
* c. 1800, "unknown" (Paris, France), deck "Le Grand Jeu de Geographie"
* ca. 1800 "D'Alpse. Arnoult" (Paris, France), standard deck
Older Tarot
* 1743, by "Jean Payen", Tarot de Marseille
* 1748, reprint from ca. 1889, "Grimaud" (France), "Tarot of Marseilles", edition by Arnoult
* ca. 1790 Claude Rochais Animal Tarock
* end of 18th century, "Bezu" ? (France), deck "Grand Etteilla" (78 cards)
* ca. 1870, "Grimaud" (France) deck "Tarot" (78 cards)
* ca. 1870 "J.Gaudais" (Paris, France), deck "Tarot" (78 cards), (!!!) with Juno + Jupiter - pair
* ca. 1890 "Grimaud" (France), deck "Classical Deities Tarot",
* ca. 1890, "Willeb" (Paris, France), deck "Tarot"
* ca. 1725, reprint 1996 by "LoScarabeo" (Italy), deck "Carte di Etruria" (Italy) or deck "Antiche Minchiate Etruria"
* c. 1790, "Al Leone" (Bologna, Italy) deck "Minchiate Fiorentine", reprint by Edizioni del Prado/Ediciones del Prado, Madrid, Spain: deck "Minchiate Fiorentine Al Leone", 2004
* 1986, "Il Meneghello" (Italy), deck "Minchiate Fiorentine", 1986; deck was designed ca. 1820
Tarocco Siciliano
- a special treasure, as till now there is not too much to the Tarocco Siciliano in the web. There is an article connected to the decks.

* 19th century "Lorenzo di Lorenzo" (Italy), deck "Tarocco Siciliano"
* since 1966, "Modiano" (Italy), deck "Tarocco Siciliano"
* 19th century "La Fortuna" (Italy) deck "Tarocco Siciliano"
* 18th century "Tuzzolino" (Italy), deck "Tarocco Siciliano"
* 1930 - 1975 "Concetta Campione" (Catania, Italy) deck "Tarocco Siciliano"


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